1933 – 1935 – Owned by RB Worth
1955 -1962 – Owned by George L Preston (also owner of the J-Class Candida)
1968 – Owned by A Wheeler – England
Most likely broken up in the sixties.
The Rebuild
Having been unable to buy the sister ship Fife ‘Finola’, and after a conversation with John Lammerts Van Bueren (of Touchwood BV), the new owner decided to build ‘Severn’ from scratch. A daunting task to many but not so for a gentleman that already owns the 8mR Catina VI, 8mR Elsinor and 10mR Rita IV. A man with great taste!
Rebuilt by Absolute Restorations in Portugal and launched in 2009 shortly before the 8-Metre World Championships in Hyères, France. At the Worlds she was sailed by key members of Team Alinghy, including Ed Baird, Brad Butterworth and Simon Daubney. She went on to win the prestigious Sira Cup and the Neptune Trophy on her first outing.
Touchwood supplied all spruce for the racing spars as well as the Alaska Yellow Cedar for the interior sub deck lining.
Geneva, 2015.

2020 – Severn is now in Germany. Same owner as Raven and Conquistador (ex. Hollandia)