I was imagining that all work at shipyards would be on hold right now with the Pandemic at its height in the US, despite Trump’s remarks to the contrary. But this is not the case and at Rockport Marine life continues as ‘normal’.
“We are fully employed and able to spread our crew out and take precautions to mitigate the Covid situation”, remarks owner Sam Temple.
They are known for their restorations on famous yachts such as the 1924 Fife schooner Adventuress and the three time Newport-Bermuda race winner Bolero designed by Olin Stephens.
These last months have been spent finishing up a 21′ runabout, rebuilding the bottom of a Concordia Yawl and they are about to launch a Center Harbor 31 that has just acquired a deeper keel.
“We’re starting the construction of a 45’ modern Bill Tripp designed sloop” too.
Plenty on then!
We’ll check back later….
NOTE: If you have any Yard News we’d love to hear. Write to me here: [email protected]