Bruce King was founded in 1964 in Newcastle, USA. His expert design team has designed some of the world’s most remarkable yachts. Bruce King’s principles are simple – they believe that to be successful, a yacht must be beautiful. They concentrate not only on its design and art, but also find the use of modern technology important.

In 2004 Bruce King retired from custom yacht design and Chris Franklin assumed operation and ownership of Bruce King Design Associates, LLC. Franklin has worked with Bruce for more than thirteen years – four years as Chief Designer- and this experience allows him to continue producing the highest level of artistic excellence and technical competence in yacht design.

From 1964 to 2004, Bruce King produced boat designs of varied types, reaching an incredible number of more than 7,000 existing boats. These include the early production boats, built mostly by Ericson Yachts with some by Islander, and the large custom sailing yachts. Also the radical yachts of the early seventies, and more recently the Hinckley water jet boats and the Bruce King SuperYachts.
(source: www.navisyachts.com)