The Pacific Cruising Class (PCC) was designed by George Kettenburg Jr. in 1945 and is one of the most significant ocean racers in the heritage of American yacht design. The PCC dominated all major west coast ocean races from post World War II through the late 1950’s.
The boat George Jr. originally designed and built was 44′ 10″. Joseph Jessop (Commodore of the San Diego Yacht Club-1929) had been instrumental in the selection of the Kettenburg PC as the One-Design yacht commissioned for the San Diego Yacht Club, and who greatly influenced their sale to other yacht club members. Joseph Jessop commented at the time to George Jr. that he thought the 44′ 10″ foot boat looked too short. Consequently, George Jr. redesigned the boat, and the PCC was built as a 46′ 4″ one design ocean racing yacht.

The Kettenburg Boat Works built the 46′ 4″ PCC hull #1 in six months. PCC #1 was built production style over an inverted jig, like every wooden boat constructed at Kettenburg Boat Works from the 40s on. PCC #1 EULALIE was launched in May 1946. EULALIE was built as George Kettenburg Jr.’s personal boat, and he named the boat after his wife. George Kettenburg Jr. raced EULALIE extensively, and won numerous major regattas. EULALIE is one of twenty-five PCCs, which were built between 1946-1959. PCC hull numbers 1, 2, were built with Honduras planking over oak ribs. PCC hull numbers 3 to 17 were built with straight grain Douglas fir planking over oak ribs. PCC hull numbers 18 to 25 were built with Philippine mahogany planking over oak ribs.
Information courtesy of www.kettenburgboats.com