Designed in 1936 by Nicholas Potter, who was known as the ‘Herreshoff of the West’, the ‘Cal-32’ had the reputation of being a formidable racer and a comfortable cruiser. A total of eight of these bermudan sloops were built between the mid 1930’s and the mid 1960’s, with six or seven still surviving. They proved a successful design and dominated the west coast racing for more than 15 years winning 14 out of 16 ‘Sir Thomas Lipton Cups’; from 1948 to 1964.
“‘Cholita’, ‘Altamar’, ‘Tempest’, ‘Escapade’ and ‘Amorita’ were built before World War II. They were succeeded post war by ‘Atorrante’ and ‘Andale’.” – Information courtesy of the Sandeman Yacht Company.
‘Escapade’ is said to have been lost off Hawaii.
‘Altamar’ is in need of saving (2016).