My wife and I got married on a yacht named Sirius in Newport Harbour, California back in 1975. I was the maintenance man ( varnish etc). Conrad Bagley

2016 post –
As the search continues from both French and Spanish maritime rescue services it is sadly looking more unlikely that there will be anybody, or indeed anything, found from the S&S 45′ yacht Sirius and her two crew after 11 days since they fell off the radar. Leaving from Cannes on friday, 29th April they encountered strong mistral winds and 6 metre waves in the Gulf De Lyon. Two experienced crew were on board, Emilio José López and his nephew Alejandro López, 60 and 41 years respectively, who have disappeared without a trace. No EPIRB, beacon or any sort of Mayday has been heard. The search area has stemmed from their departure port of Cannes, across the Gulf De Lyon to Barcelona and then covering the wide expanse of sea southeast to the shores of Sardinia. It is possible that if the crew battened down the hatches this is where they could have ended up.
We wait and hope. Our thoughts are with you and your families.