‘Ron’ is Gaelic for ‘seal’ and was Boat No. 178 of Robertsons Boat Yard. She was built for a Colonel Charles Spencer who was the Commodore of the Clyde Cruising Club.
1959 – Bought by the late Jol Byerley, known for his radio weather forecasts and ‘Lord Jim’s Locker’ bookshop in Antigua.
“My uncle, Edmund Hilscher, a school psychologist living in Santa Cruz, CA., bought the Ron in the 60’s, from an owner in Antiqua, sailed it part way to Santa Cruz, CA, and then had to go back to work when the school year began, so he hired a crew to bring it the rest of the way. I remember the Ron well, because at about 13 years old, I wanted to crew for my uncle, whose plans were to do charter trips between Santa Cruz and Monterey, CA, on the Monterey Bay”. Lisa Powers
“Owned by Gert Jacoby for many years in the Whitsundays and Cairns. Bought from Andrew Clubb in Sydney. Sold in 1986 to Gordon someone.” Catherine Jacoby

Since 2008 she has been chartered out of Australia.
Owned by Gert Jacoby for many years in the Whitsundays and Cairns. Bought from Andrew Clubb in Sydney. Sold in 1986 to Gordon someone
Catherine Jacoby (pictured sailing from Whitsundays to Cairns in 1985)