Eleonora is based on the Herreshoff schooner Westward of 1909 but scaled down. She was launched in March 2000 and has participated in the Classic Yacht regattas in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean. She charters successfully and clients experience a wonderful schooner, sailing with immense power and majesty, in memory of the centenarian Westward.

‘Eleonora is an exact replica of the schooner Westward. Westward was launched on March 31st, 1910 as hull number 692 at the Herreshoff Manufacturing Co. in Bristol, Rhode Island, USA. She was arguably one of the most famous and best known racing schooners in the world. She was designed by Nathanael Greene Herreshoff, the ‘Wizard of Bristol’, the designer of the America’s Cup defenders which turned back all six challenges from 1893 – 1920.
Westward was undoubtedly the fastest schooner in the world in 1910 and in the following years. With Captain Charlie Barr, who was one of the finest racing skippers at her helm, she sailed successfully against racing yachts like Britannia, Lulworth and Meteor II and won numerous trophies.

For 37 years, Westward had graced the yachting scene and represented all that was best in yacht design and workmanship. Eleonora not only follows Westward’s heritage of big schooners racing but she also offers, with her comfort and space, unforgettable cruising and a relaxing experience’.

More at yacht website
In 2022 the unimaginable happened. Whilst alongside in the port of Tarragona a supply vessel, manoeuvring in the port, found that the main engines were blocked with the engine in reverse. The captain of the supply vessel attempted to prevent a collision by stopping the main engines and anchoring the vessel with both anchors but to no avail. Eleonora was struck amidships resulting in a gaping hole where the Captain had been sitting at the chart-table not a few seconds previous. Eleonora subsequently sunk over the next half an hour. A sad end to an unbelievable yacht and a sad day for all those who have sailed her or been lucky enough to appreciate her splendour in person.