Commissioned in 1935 for £4,000 by the property developer John R Payne, to race at Cowes in the prestigious America’s Cup Regatta.(BCYC)
Following account courtesy of Linda Lovell

“My Grandfather (who was born in the 1890s) was Walter Paull of Flushing, Cornwall and he was a full time skipper for the Attorney General, Sir Hartley Shawcross from the early 30’s until the late 50’s.
In 1946 they won the Flushing Regatta with the yacht Caryl. The Vanity was purchased shortly after and this resulted in another win the following year. I have attached a photo of the commemorative mug.

Although my Grandfather and Sir H preferred to sail Vanity ‘fully rigged’, I understand that in approx 1952 an auxiliary engine was fitted. This was to be used only in an emergency, for example if Sir H (who was then a Cabinet Minister) was recalled to Parliament. Whilst Vanity was based at Falmouth, she actually did most of her racing off the coast of France.
My late Father was also a keen sailor and when allowed was part of Vanity’s crew and observed first hand that although Sir H was the owner, on board, ‘Skipper Paull’ was the one in charge! In the late 50s my Grandfather decided to retire and the Vanity was sold shortly thereafter, but even then the friendship between my Grandfather and Sir H continued up until his death”.

An account from Captain John Crill who ran Vanity K1
Restored by Robert Daral and Jean-Paul Guillet who found Vanity V in St Malo in 1997.
Rebuilt in 1999 to the original Fife drawings by Guy Ribadeau Dumas (Ribadeau Website) and Chantier du Guip in Brest.