Designed by Kim Holman in 1959.

“A racer/cruiser which he designed specially for sailors on the East coast waters to fit their budgets and give them performance, excitement and satisfaction, whether from a race well won or a cruise enjoyably accomplished. The first Stella achieved outstanding success in its first Burnham Week and Stellas (all of the same vintage) still race and win notable trophies in current racing.

A few years ago, Kim joined the Stella fleet at Burnham on Crouch for the Stella Class 40th birthday celebrations. ‘I’m sure’ he said ‘they are in better shape now than when they were built!’.

Most of these fabulous boats are still in active service – racing and cruising – a tribute to their superb design and the craft of their builders.

Kim died on 8 April 2006.”

Information courtesy of the ‘Stella Class Association’.